What is Chrome Flags and How to Use It for Better Browsing?

Chrome Flags Features

We all are very much familiar with Google’s Chrome browser. It is one of the most popular and user-friendly among all. Recently the news surfaced all over the internet that they launched a new experimental features in Chrome called ‘Chrome Flgas’. It is not officially available for all yet. But users are allowed to access it by simply enabling or disabling the services.

As we already said the feature is on trial period because the makers want to see the response of users over it. The reason for putting this feature on trial period instead of a default action is lot of users who used the features complained about the minor security issues. However, the makers are working on it round the clock to make it better and stable.

How to Use Chrome Flags

Those who are wondering about how to activate this Flag in your chrome browser, here we are saving you from a lot of trouble by simply revealing the steps which are quite easy. All you have to do is:

  • Open Chrome, go to the address bar and type chrome://flags and hit enter.
  • After doing that you will see a list of option from which you can select the one or you can also find it by preferring CTRL+F to find the one you are looking for. Simply enable or disable it.
  • After doing that you have to restart the browser so that the process can successfully execute.

This is how you can activate it, other than this if we keep aside the security issues, the flags in the browser has a lot more to offer. We are going to discuss the features which are more talked about and have the potential to make your browsing experience better.

Chrome Flags

Chrome Flags Features

  • Image loading Option: – Sometimes in the browser, there are a lot of heavy images which take time to load, so with the help of this feature you can simply speed up the process. For this all you have to scroll down till you start seeing the image.
  • Save Copy option: – a lot of people who uses the browser on regular purpose have a major problem of missing out the important stuff they see on the browser and forget to copy. With the help of this new option, this problem of users can be easily fixed as it offers a flag which shows the stale saved copy. To enable this all you have to do is search for #show-saved-copy and enable it.
  • Reloading of offline tabs: – Sometimes due to power issue connection drop out in that case you missed out the tabs and it took a while to reload it, but with the help of this feature you don’t have to worry about it because it automatically reloads it.
  • Autofill opt options: this feature is quite common and so useful it will allow you to save important information for further use. Autofill allows you to fill detail by showing it and save couples of the second. But to use it wisely you have to enable it. For this, all you have to do visit #show-autofill-type-predictions activated
  • Picture in Picture Video: – picture in picture video is the most loving feature which allows popping out the screen and we can drag it anywhere according to our need. To start this first you have to enable this, enabling it is quite easy by visiting the surface for videos and picture in picture options and simply enable it.

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