10 Tips For Writing a Request Letter

If a request letter is written properly it can have a positive result. That is why you will need to keep several things in mind when composing this type of letter. These things include writing a request that follows a proper form and one that is grammatically correct, however, you will also want to think about what you want to accomplish with it.

The first thing you will want to remember is that the letter is quite important – and that is exactly why you will want to do it properly. In the text below, you will be able to read about the top tips for writing a proper request letter. Let’s take a closer look:

1. Consider Whom Will Receive And Read The Letter

source: promotionaldrives.com

Before you start writing the letter, the first thing you should focus on is who will receive it. If you can, you should include the possible benefits someone might receive by complying with your request. You should also mention some benefits the recipient can get – for example, how they can be of help, why you chose her/him, and so on. Do not forget to include that you are willing to return the favor when they need it.

2. Do Not Rush it, Make an Outline First

You might need to include some documents such as statements, official records, addresses, bills, correspondence, contacts, and other things that may be relevant to your request letter. This is why it is important to make an outline of the things you will need to actually write it. This will save you a lot of time, and it will also ensure that you do not forget to include everything.

3. If Needed, Introduce Yourself

source: techrepublic.com

If you are sending a request letter to someone that you never met before, you should definitely introduce yourself. It is important not to make the introduction too long, though, you should mention what your role is in the company, how long have you worked there, your major, as well as what you accomplished while working for a specific company.

However, if you know the recipient, but you did not speak to him/her for a long time, you should remind them of how long you have worked together, and also add some things you accomplished together. Also, it is wise to mention your major, career objectives, and so on. This will allow the recipient to remember who you are.

4. Need an Idea? Look at Some Templates

If it is your first time writing this letter, you might feel a little bit overwhelmed and confused by how it should look like. And, if you are in this situation, you might need to look for some templates that will inspire you, as well as give you an idea of what form it should have. Thankfully, various websites feature request letter templates and if you are interested in seeing some of them, check out Doc Formats.

5. Make it Clear And Simple

Once you are finished with introducing yourself, you should then state what purpose the letter has. Keep your attention on the main message, and do not include information that is not relevant or that might confuse the reader. Of course, you should not avoid adding important details that will help you convey your request better. Everything should be stated clearly and plainly, and you should state the reasons for making the request directly.

6. It Should Be Specific

source: merlintech-bd.com

No one really likes reading a letter that is three pages long, hence, you should definitely state what your request is as soon as you can. Keep in mind that you should not leave out the most important information – especially since it can cause a delay in the response time which means that the person might not be able to approve your request on time.

7. One, Two, or Three Pages?

Generally speaking, request letters should be short and most of them are one page long. So, you should wisely use the space you have, state what the letter is about, what you want to achieve with it, as well as other important details that were previously mentioned. It is more difficult to write a short letter, but by making it shorter, you will allow the person to read it and understand it faster and better – which is something a lot of people appreciate.

8. Closing The Request is Actually Easy

A lot of people feel extremely stressed when they have to conclude their request letter. However, it is actually quite easy to finish writing it. When you are done with your last paragraph, include a complimentary conclusion such as “Thank you.”, “Looking forward to hearing from you.”, or “Sincerely”. Do not forget to add your name and surname as well.

9. Double Check The Grammar And Proofread it

source: dissertation-editor.com

When you are done with your letter, you will want to look for any weird expressions, grammar mistakes, incomplete sentences, and spelling mistakes. Fix all of the mistakes you made and then check it once again. You can also read it our loud since it can help you notice the mistakes you made.

10. Opt For Sending Hard And Soft Copies, And Do Not Forget to Send it on Time

It is always better to send a hard copy, but, sending it by email means that it will be instantly delivered. That is why you should opt for sending both hard and electronic copies of your request letter. This will ensure that at least one of the copies will be received by the recipient. Also, you should send it at an appropriate time, especially since it is a request letter that needs to be approved.


By remembering the tips mentioned in the article above, you might be able to write a request letter that is grammatically correct, one that has a proper form, and you will also be able to boost your chances of the request being approved. Hence, now that you know what you should do, do not waste any more time and start composing a request letter right away!

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