6 Things You Should Know Before Trying CBD Edibles For The First Time

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a hot topic in the medical and recreational cannabis communities alike. While more testing still needs to be done, some studies have shown CBD to possess a number of beneficial properties when it comes to easing symptoms of anxiety as well as helping with sleep. When it comes to edibles, there are different types of CBD products – from gummies and brownies to practically any food or drink you could think of – chances are there’s a CBD version of it. If this is something you’re interested in doing, there are 6 things you should know before trying CBD edibles for the first time.

Source: RunnersWorld.com

1. What Is CBD?

Before trying out CBD edibles for the first time, it might be a good idea to get familiar with CBD in general. Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is a cannabinoid that’s found in the hemp plant – one of over 100 cannabinoids that are found in hemp or cannabis. The term ‘cannabinoid’ refers to the specific molecules which are produced by cannabis plants to produce medical and psychoactive effects. Since everyone produces cannabinoids naturally within our own system, CBD can help supplement and enhance the cannabinoid intake we naturally receive. If this is something that interests you, HighThere.com offers a variety of articles and tips on all things hemp and cannabis-related that go into depth on these topics, but for now, it’s important to note that our natural endocannabinoid system has an important role when it comes to our immunity, mood, appetite, and many other things. Within that system, there are two key receptors – CB1 and CB2 receptors.

The CB1 receptor is mostly related to cognitive functions – and THC, or really any psychoactive cannabinoid, can activate this receptor and produce psychoactive effects. CBD does not activate the CB1 receptor as THC does. Instead, it activates CB2 receptors which are more involved with immunity and inflammation response.

Source: KushieBites.com

2. Does CBD Make You High?

This is a common question since CBD and THC are both cannabinoids. However, unlike THC, which is a psychoactive cannabinoid that activates your CB1 receptors, providing a “high” feeling, as stated before, CBD only activates the CB2 receptors, which are not found in the brain at all. That means that CBD does not provide a high feeling. It’s often mentioned that CBD comes from the hemp plant, while THC comes from marijuana. However, they both come from the same plant – Cannabis Sativa, it’s just that hemp is a term for any product derived from this plant containing less than 0.3% THC. Chances are if you’ve heard of CBD edibles, you’ve heard about THC edibles as well. Just like the difference between the cannabinoids themselves, the edibles are different in the same way.

There are similar products you can find – for example, there are both CBD and THC gummies out there but they don’t provide the same effects at all. CBD edibles will not get you high and instead will only provide positive effects that shouldn’t interfere with your daily life.

Source: fashionisers.com

3. Do Edibles Show up on Drug Tests?

As mentioned earlier, CBD products should not contain more than 0.3% of THC, which means that, as a general rule, consuming CBD edibles should now show up on drug tests. That said, this isn’t a given. It can depend on the kind of drug test you’re taking, the CBD product you’re using, and the amount of edibles you’re taking. Not all drug tests are created equally. Some give more precise results than others. Also, some drug tests can glance at the overall cannabinoid content of your body whereas others look for specific THC levels in the blood or urine. For example, some drug tests may come up positive for cocaine if you’ve eaten poppy seed pastries because they are made to be incredibly sensitive to even trace amounts of different compounds, or they simply aren’t precise enough.

As for the types of products, CBD can be infused in coffee, food, or eaten in the form of gummies, Turkish delights, or chocolates. What kind of edibles you get, and how many of them you consume may provide different drug test results.

Source: VentureBeat.com

4. Are CBD Edibles Legal

The legal questions surrounding CBD are complex because they largely depend on location. In some places, CBD is legal, or completely decriminalized as it is in several US states. In others, it’s illegal to have any cannabinoid content at all. In those places where CBD is generally legal, be sure to check what kind of CBD product you’re purchasing. It could be that CBD oil is legal, but edibles aren’t and vice versa. Another thing to keep in mind is the regulations when it comes to CBD edibles and state borders. If you live in a state where those are legal and are going to another state – having edibles on you might still be illegal, even if you’re going to a state that also has a positive view on CBD. As a general rule, in many places, CBD products are legal even when THC is prohibited, but it’s always best to check the laws before purchasing or consuming CBD.

Source: Vaping360.com

5. What Are the Benefits of CBD?

CBD has been shown to provide a variety of benefits for health and well-being. In various studies, CBD has been shown to help with chronic pain management, depression, anxiety, epilepsy as well as different kinds of inflammations. CBD provides these benefits because it’s an anti-inflammatory agent and is also a neuroprotectant. That means that it helps with nerve pain relief which has been linked to the treatment of chronic pain. It helps to keep neurons healthy, which can be helpful in the case of epilepsy or other conditions that lead to seizures. CBD is also an immune-system modulator which means that it can help with things like asthma while also avoiding side effects associated with many common anti-inflammatory medications. However, it’s worth noting that if you suffer from any of these conditions, it’s always best to check with your doctor first whether using CBD edibles can be a good fit for you.

Source: pixabay.com

6. Which Edibles To Try?

This comes down to personal taste, but whichever one you pick, it’s important that it went through third-party testing. That means that the product was sent to a lab that’s not affiliated with the production process to make sure it’s safe for human consumption with no harmful additives, pesticides, heavy metals, or other contaminants. In a way it’s similar to any other food – you wouldn’t pick up some sushi at a gas station because you’re not sure about the quality. Apart from that, CBD edibles can be made in various flavors, so you should pick the one that would make you want to try it out. Some companies also offer a variety of packs with different kinds of infused foods, which may help you find your favorite.

In a nutshell, CBD edibles are food products infused with CBD. They can take different forms, from something as simple as gummies to Turkish delights or chocolates. There are plenty of online resources that can help you find out more about edibles. As a general rule, it’s always best to stick to products that were tested in a lab and are completely free from any harmful compounds.

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