Breathe Better: 4 Tips For Healthier Lungs

Did you know that an average person breathes nearly 13 pints of air every minute and takes approximately 17,000 breaths daily? That’s a staggering number, but that’s just how remarkable our lungs are! Breathing is fundamental to life, and having healthy lungs is essential. Our lungs supply oxygen and remove carbon dioxide to ensure proper…

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How to Look after Your Mental Health

2020 has been a year of difficult challenges, so now it is more important than ever to look after your mental health and wellness. A bout of nagging doubts, depression, and anxiety can lead to deleterious effects. To get the most from life, you need to take care of yourself and make a plan to…

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7 Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp

Many of us always worry about our physical health and ways to perfect it – this is what drives us to eat healthily and go to the gym. The way we look is also a concern for many as we age, as millions of people use anti-aging skin care products or undergo invasive surgical procedures….

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7 Proven Ways to Fall Asleep Quicker

Most people need between seven and eight hours’ sleep a night. Sadly, insomnia is something that is experienced by many across the world. If we have one bad night, we’ll probably be okay the next day. When it becomes a cycle, it can be debilitating. Sleep loss can reduce our capacity to cope with stressful…

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